Exclusive Distribution Agreement Nz


    When it comes to selling products or services in New Zealand, businesses often consider exclusive distribution agreements as a way to secure their market share. An exclusive distribution agreement (EDA) is a legal contract between a distributor and a manufacturer or supplier, granting the distributor the exclusive right to distribute the supplier`s products in a specific market or territory.

    EDAs are commonly used in industries such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and automotive, where the supplier wants to ensure that its products are sold through a specific channel, such as a sole distributor or a network of authorized dealers. In New Zealand, EDAs are subject to the Commerce Act 1986 and must comply with competition law to ensure that they do not result in anti-competitive behavior.

    Benefits of Exclusive Distribution Agreements

    For suppliers, EDAs can provide a number of benefits, such as:

    1. Control over distribution: By granting exclusive rights to a distributor, the supplier can ensure that its products are sold only through authorized channels, which can help to maintain brand value and quality.

    2. A guaranteed market share: Exclusive distribution agreements can guarantee a specific market share for the supplier`s products, providing a level of stability and predictability for their business.

    3. Access to new markets: EDAs can provide an effective way for suppliers to enter new markets or expand their existing market share, without having to invest significant resources.

    For distributors, EDAs can offer benefits such as:

    1. A competitive advantage: By having exclusive rights to distribute a product, the distributor can gain a competitive advantage over other distributors or retailers.

    2. Reduced competition: The exclusive distribution agreement can reduce competition from other distributors or retailers who do not have access to the same product.

    3. Increased profits: EDAs can provide the distributor with a guaranteed market share for the product, which can increase profits and create long-term business opportunities.

    Risks of Exclusive Distribution Agreements

    While EDAs can offer several benefits, there are also risks involved, such as:

    1. Limited flexibility: EDAs can limit the supplier`s ability to sell its products through other channels or to adapt to changes in the market, which can lead to missed opportunities.

    2. Dependence on a single distributor: For suppliers, EDAs can create a dependence on a single distributor, which can be risky if the distributor fails to meet sales targets or if the relationship breaks down.

    3. Potential for anti-competitive behavior: EDAs need to comply with competition law to ensure that they do not result in anti-competitive behavior, such as price fixing or collusion, which can result in legal action.


    Exclusive distribution agreements can be an effective way for suppliers and distributors to secure their market share, gain a competitive advantage, and increase profitability. However, it is important to carefully consider the benefits and risks, ensure compliance with competition law, and negotiate the terms of the agreement to ensure that the interests of both parties are protected. With the right legal advice and due diligence, EDAs can provide a valuable business opportunity for both parties involved.